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Friday, May 9, 2014

"What really hurts is if you try to cover it up." -Richard Nixon

May 9, 1974, President Richard Nixon's impeachment hearings began. 

President Nixon was being considered for impeachment because of the events that transpired in the Watergate Hotel in 1972. The condensed version of the Watergate Scandal is that members of Nixon's administration were caught bugging the Democratic National Committee's offices and then the Nixon administration attempted to cover up the administration's involvement. 

(Watergate Hotel)

Tapes from the White House provided the evidence that Nixon knew about the break in at the hotel and that he had attempted to block investigations. 

There were enough votes to impeach Nixon but he resigned on August 9th and Gerald Ford become president. Ford ended the investigation by pardoning Nixon. 

May 4, 1977, Nixon stated "If the President does it, its not illegal." The Watergate Scandal is considered to be the number one political scandal in the US. All the President's Men, a title belonging to a book and a film, chronicles the discovery of the scandal. 

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