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Monday, March 3, 2014

The Cold War: It's Not Actually Over, Right?

Ukraine, to most Americans, is currently a country that Russia might invade at any moment. To others, it demonstrates that the Cold War hasn't actually ended. Let's take a look at what's actually going on. 

The very main issue is that President Viktor Yanukovych refused to sign an agreement with the European Union. Many Ukrainians saw this as a return to Russia and a desire to join the Eurasian Union, which is a union of former Soviet states. In addition to this issue is the fact that Ukraine is extremely divided. 

Like the country of Poland, Ukraine has not always been a nation state on the map. In the 1300s, Poland attacked Ukraine and divided it up with Lithuania. Later, Russia went to war over the region of Ukraine, which resulted in the division of Ukraine: the East fell under Russian control while the West was controlled by Poland. It is this division that has created many problems. 

Under Catherine the Great, the Eastern portion of Ukraine underwent Russification. In addition to the language division, the country is also ecologically divided. Due to this divide, Ukraine fought for both sides in World War I. During World War II, the country was unified for the first time in many years but it still was not its own country. After being a part of the Soviet Union, Ukraine finally gained its independence in December of 1991. This December will mark it's 23rd year of independence.

So, can we claim that the issues in Ukraine are just the Cold War continuing? No. 
The problems in Ukraine are more complicated than that and stem from a time in history when Communism wasn't even an idea yet. 

Still want to know more? Check out this website. 

Can you see the split in the country? 

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