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Friday, February 21, 2014

Workers of the world, unite!

February 21, 1848, the infamous Communist Manifesto was published in German in London. It was written by Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx. The well-known line of "A spectre is haunting Europe- the spectre of communism." opened the book, clearly stating that Communism would change the world as it was and the ruling elite of Europe would find that their time was over. Marx and Engels knew that change was terrifying, but they felt that the proletariate needed another option.

When the Bolshevik Revolution occurred in Russia in 1917, Marx was long dead, but his ideas lived on: it was the beginning of the revolution Marx believed was needed in order for a nation to become a communist state. From the revolution, the USSR emerged and lasted until 1991.

The formation of the USSR greatly influenced world history. The distrust of capitalism by the USSR and vice versa, resulted in the Cold War, which was fought through proxy wars as well as an arms and space race.

A lot of modern history occurred because of the ideas published in this little book.

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